Patience is something I wasn’t born with. Waiting is not for me!
My editor recently said, “I know you’re sitting on the edge of your seat, a horse at the gate, chomping at the bit ready.” But that’s nothing new, it is how I live my life.
As my father used to say, “You were born ready.”
I’ve always been inquisitive, had to be busy, always moving, always talking, and loved to pretend and play the what-if game. I’m always asking, “What’s next?”
In 2019 my career as a writer began. Knowing I could write anywhere, I asked, what’s next? My answer was, “Live the vacation lifestyle.” So, we sold our house and 85% of everything we owned and were about to embark on a three-month tour of Europe when COVID-19 hit. There I was, bags packed and no place to go. Not to be denied, we rented a local furnished vacation home, where I continued to write.
Before long, becoming restless again, I started dabbling here and there, taking courses, signing up for webinars, and building an online business, all while pursuing being a writer.
Then a question was posed to me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
What did I want to be? Designer, writer, shaman, meditation teacher, entrepreneur, or an online businesswoman?

After much soul-searching, my Aha moment arrived. I wanted to be a published author. It’s been a long journey, truly a lesson in patience. Now I’m about to release my first Indy-published book, My Real Mother!
In upcoming blogs, I would love to share the journey with you and how I realized I was not only writing one book, but three!! A tale of tales of “what happened” to three mothers, not only to My Real Mother but also to My Other Mother, and how I came to call myself, The Good Girl.